Godzilla Vs. Kong (2021)

The finale of the Legendary Monsterverse is finally here. As someone who literally grew up watching Godzilla movies, this new series has been a dream come true. This is not the next Citizen Kane. It's a movie about a giant monkey fighting a giant lizard. And it's surprisingly satisfying. 

Godzilla vs Kong gives us the rematch that we've been waiting for for nearly 60 years. There's no real surprises here. It plays out pretty much exactly as you'd expect. The real joy here is just seeing it. 

The main complaint that people always have with these films is that the human story sucks. Then you have the people defending it by saying "who goes to a giant monster movie for the humans, monsters go smash!" Well, why can't both be right?  

This film is big dumb fun. There's copious monster action and it definitely delivers on it's title. Kong and Godzilla fight several times throughout the film and there is a clear winner. 

I'm thrilled that director Adam Wingard took more cues from Kong: Skull Island than from the Monsterverse Godzilla films. By that I mean, you can actually SEE the fights. They're not obscured by darkness or clouds. The main selling point of a movie like this is monster fights. This movie gives it you in spades. 

Clocking in at just under 2 hours, this is a brisk watch. The human drama is simply there to advance the plot. It's a nice, fitting conclusion to the Monsterverse. Here's to hoping we get more, but if we don't, I'm content with these 4. 

Very minor spoilers ahead:

I finally got to see King Kong riding Godzilla!  I've been waiting my whole life for that!  That alone boosts my final score!

4 atomic breaths out of 5. 
